
發(fā)布時間:2017-07-02 18:53:29綢繆束薪,三星在天。今夕何夕?見此良人。子兮子兮!如此良人何!綢繆束芻,三星在隅。今夕何夕?見此邂逅。子兮子兮!如此邂逅何!綢繆束楚,三星在戶。今夕何夕?見此粲者。子兮子兮!如此粲者何!1、綢繆(綢謀ch u m u):猶 纏綿 ,緊緊捆縛的意思。詩人似以束薪纏綿比喻婚姻。2、三星:指參星。天:古音tīn。3、今夕何夕:是驚喜慶幸之辭,言今晚是不同尋常的夜晚。4、良人:猶言 好人 ,這里是男稱女。5、子兮子兮:詩人感動自呼之辭。6、如:猶 奈 。如此良人何:是喜不自禁之辭,言愛這 良人 愛得無可奈何。7、芻:草。8、隅:房角。三星在隅:言三星稍偏斜,對著房角?!都瘋鳌罚?昏現(xiàn)之星至此,則夜久矣。9、邂逅:喜悅。這里為名詞,謂可悅之人。10、在戶:言當面而見?!都瘋鳌罚?戶必南出,昏現(xiàn)之星至此,則夜分矣。11、粲:鮮明。粲者:猶言 漂亮人兒 。《通釋》: 見此粲者,見其女也。這是樂新婚的詩。詩人覺得他的新娘子美不可言,那夜晚也是美不可言,喜不自勝,簡直不曉該怎么辦好。柴枝捆得緊緊,抬頭正見三星。今晚是啥夜晚?見著我的好人。你看,你看??!把這好人兒怎么辦啊!緊緊一把芻草,三星正對房角。今晚是啥夜晚?心愛人兒見著。你看,你看??!把這心愛的怎么辦??!荊樹條兒緊纏,三星照在門前。今晚是啥夜晚?和這美人相見。你看,你看啊!把這美人兒怎么辦??!


發(fā)布時間:2017-06-29 11:16:43Writing (圖畫提綱式議論文)Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of 160 200 words in which you should1) describe the picture.2) state different views on mercy killing, and3) give your opinion on it.晚期癌癥病人請求安樂死。我們怎么辦?Mercy killing is one of the most controversial issues in the world of medicine. As the picture given above depicts, a late-stage cancer patient is terminally-ill, asking the doctors for mercy killing. But the doctors look deeply embarrassed, feeling helpless because they are at a loss what to do about it.The picture really sets me thinking. It implies that people differ in their attitudes towards the mercy killing. Some people think that physician-assisted suicide can relieve dying patients of unbearable pain and suffering. They maintain that as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, he has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death. Others are strongly opposed to physician-assisted suicide. They contend that a doctor has no right to give a patient sufficient medication to control his pain if that may hasten death. They conclude that it is illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives.As far as I m concerned, doctors have a duty to help dying patients to alleviate their pain and suffering. I also agree that doctors deserve to be punished if they prolong the needless suffering of their terminally-ill patients. In short, I am in favor of mercy killing. (207 words)安樂死是醫(yī)學界最有爭議的問題之一。正如上面所示的畫所描繪的,一位晚期癌癥病人病入膏肓,請求醫(yī)生們實施安樂死。但醫(yī)生們看上去十分尷尬,感到無能為力,因為他們不知道該怎么辦。這幅畫確實發(fā)人深省。它暗示,人們在對待安樂死上看法不一致。有些人認為,醫(yī)助自殺可以減輕垂死病人不堪忍受的痛苦。他們主張,只要醫(yī)生開藥是為了合法的醫(yī)療目的,那么即使病人使用這種藥物加速了死亡,醫(yī)生也沒有做什么違法的事。其他人則強烈反對醫(yī)助自殺。他們堅持認為,醫(yī)生無權給病人開足以控制痛苦的藥物,如果那樣做會加速死亡的話。他們的結論是,醫(yī)生幫助垂危病人結束生命是違法的。依我看,醫(yī)生有義務幫助垂死病人緩解病痛。我還認為,如果醫(yī)生延長了垂死病人不必要的痛苦的話,那他們應該受到懲處??傊?,我贊成安樂死。